Donut Scene and Explanation

This project took some time to complete and there were many speed bumps in the way that held me back from moving forwards in the project.  To me, the hardest challenge that took place was perfecting the overall scene to the way I had imagined it.  Getting the right amount of light without disturbing the chill mood within the piece was extremely difficult.  In addition, the plate caused me to have a teeny tiny panic attack because it did not turn out the way I had pictured and wanted.  Lastly, adding the liquid fluid to the bowl was a very long and tiring process.  Making sure the fluid landed perfectly in the bowl without making a complete mess of thing was a difficult process to control.  Overall, this project has been a fun, but certainly tough one.  I am very happy with the way things turned out and feel very proud of myself for overcoming those small, but significant road blocks. 


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