Lighthouse Images by Gavin England

Establishing Shot - This shot shows where the lighthouse is located and what its surroundings are like. When using the principles of design, I showed how the rough terrain goes with a "run-down" lighthouse like mine. 

Birds Eye Shot - When it comes to Birds Eye Shots, you show where your object is a different viewing angle. In this frame, you see how close my lighthouse is compared to others. It is closer to the cliff which conveys its uniqueness towards other lighthouses.

Close Up Shot - This shot shows the beauty of the scenery in and around the lighthouse. This portrays informal balance, for it displays the deepness of the picture. As the search light of the lighthouse shines upon the deep and dark sea, we wander if there is truly someone out there. 

Extremely Close Up Shot - Just like above, this shot also shows how deep it can be.  We understand the one and only job the lighthouse truly has to apply by, is searching for lost souls. But what's different is that the light shines farther and deeper into the scene as it resembles how deep we can go to uncover secrets.

Eye Level Shot - As the depiction exhibits, this time we look more into the Lighthouse itself. We see its rays of light shine upon the rainy night sky and the positioning on the cliff edge to give it a more suspenseful and scenery feel to the overall shot. This consists of formal balance because it portrays the power of the lighthouse during the night. 

Medium Shot - The gray scale adds to the dark and foggy theme of the overall background. It shows how the water looks at a lower level. We also get to see the different textures of the ground and the lighthouse brick. This scene is more dramatic as it doesn't reveal the whole lighthouse, only a portion of it, and it focuses more on the structures and life around it.

Over the Shoulder Shot - This shot focuses more on what lies ahead of the lighthouse, the deep and dark ocean. We notice the rays of the light from the lighthouse shine out upon the night sky. The light house is unbalanced as it is different on the both sides of the shot in which describes informal balance.

Point of View Shot - This frame gives a one on one view with the gloomy and frightening ocean ahead. We get to witness what is looks like to be at the top of a lighthouse looking out and towards the sea itself. We understand more and more why lighthouses are super important to us.

Worms Eye Shot - From this unique shot, we see the towering lighthouse from the ground. We see it in all of its beauty and how the sparks of light shine so magnificently. The is a result of formal balance because of the positioning of the lighthouse, as it's directly in the middle. 


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